7 Non-Toy Holiday Gifts Your Child Really Needs

Holiday celebrations tend to feature toys galore for little ones, and while that’s fine, sometimes it’s nice to shift the focus from toys to practical and meaningful gifts.
If you’d like to cut down on toys for your littles this year, here are some great ideas. In our compilation, you’ll find:
- Safe, aesthetically-pleasing play mats and play tables
- Educational subscription boxes
- Personalized books
- Kid-friendly cookbooks
- Art supplies for plenty of creative fun
We hope this compilation inspires you when it comes to gifts for your littles this year. Happy holidays!
There’s nothing more practical for little ones than a soft, non-toxic foundation for them to play, learn, and tumble on. But just because you have children doesn't mean your living space needs to look like a daycare service. Our foam play mat puts a modern twist on baby play mats, with an innovative design that complements any aesthetically designed family home.
Here’s a few reasons our foam play mats are great for babies, kids, and parents alike:
- Hands-free parenting is easy; baby is protected while you manage tasks around the house
- Avoid bacteria on the floor with a sanitary and safe play area
- Develop hand-eye coordination and motor skills on a safe surface
- Cushy surface for baby’s tummy support
(Famokids Crystal Collection Play Mat - Moonstone)
Give your child the gift of exploration with an educational subscription box like those offered by KiwiCo. They offer play-based crates for every age, from the baby years to teenagers and beyond. Babies will enjoy developmentally appropriate boxes that foster bonding, sensory understanding, exploration and more. Little ones get boxes with hands-on activities.
Of course, there are many educational box options out there. Search for an option that’s great for your family.
Reading with your little ones is critical to their development. Make reading time even more fun with a personalized book that features your child as the main character in their own story.
There are many places to order personalized books for your little ones. Here are just a few:
Set your child up for success with a fun spot for their art projects, sensory play, and more. We have a few table and chair sets to choose from, and they pair perfectly with the play mat thanks to their lightweight construction.
Whether it be crafting, reading time, or distance learning, the table and chair set make it comfortable for your child to learn and partake in activities.
The perfect non-toy gift? Gift your children a family experience doing something they love. You’ll decrease clutter and create ample opportunities for bonding and memories made.
Experiences can be elaborate, like a family vacation, or simple, like a trip to your kid’s favorite ice cream shop. Do whatever works best for your family.
Getting your kids into the kitchen offers so many benefits. It fosters independence, builds confidence, creates bonding opportunities, and often yields tasty results. Gift your child a kid-friendly compilation of recipes to inspire their next cooking adventure. There are many options out there: Kid Chef Junior is a great choice for preschoolers and above.
7. Arts supplies for lots of fun
Here’s another gift idea that fosters healthy development and creativity. Invest in a store of art supplies for your little ones. Grab some craft paper, kid-safe markers, crayons, non-toxic paint, and whatever else your little one would enjoy. This gift will keep giving long past Christmas, and you might just buy yourself some valuable time while the kids are occupied.

We suggest keeping art supplies on our foam table sets and play mat to make cleanup easy.
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