Set Up A Laundromat Dramatic Play Space for Your Child

Set Up A Laundromat Dramatic Play Space for Your Child

Setting up this adorable printable pretend laundromat can be a fun and educational experience for children of all ages. It encourages imaginative play, teaches valuable life skills, and fosters important developmental skills. Whether it's through sorting and folding clothes, using a washing machine and dryer, or problem-solving, children can learn a lot with our pretend laundromat dramatic play set! 

boy playing with pretend play laundromat do it yourself printable

To begin, gather materials they need such as cardboard boxes, scissors, glue, clothes, hangers, and clothespins to construct a play laundromat. The printables make this process so simple and fun! For longer lasting materials we recommend printing on card stock and laminate. 

Pretend play laundromat

Once the laundromat is set up, children can take turns being the customer and the attendant. As customers, they can sort and fold laundry, select detergent, and use the washing machine and dryer. As attendants, they can operate the machines, handle payment, and provide customer service. This role-playing activity fosters communication skills, decision-making, and creativity.

Furthermore, this activity can be used to teach children about math and money management. They can practice counting, adding, and subtracting money while paying for services and making change. It also introduces the concept of supply and demand as they set prices for various laundry services.

The set includes:

  • Everything you need to turn small/medium boxes into a washer and dryer (diameter of doors= 8 in)


  • Print and cut out the washing machine door and buttons. (print on card stock and laminate for better quality) Stick onto a cardboard box. Cut out the washing machine door so that it can open.
  • Print and cut out the dryer door and buttons. (print on card stock and laminate for better quality) Stick onto a cardboard box. Cut out the drying machine door so that it can open.
  • There is a template for the laundry detergent, stain removing spray and iron, that can be used to create stand up cutouts. Also included are cutouts without the stand.

Download the Laundromat Dramatic Play set now! 

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