5 Tips for Distance Learning with Your Kids

Parents are facing unprecedented times with having to choose whether to send their children back to school, do hybrid programs, or homeschool altogether. It is no secret that these are unprecedented times. Doing things unconventional is now the norm.
We are here to say, we are lifting up you and your family in our thoughts and are here to remind you that there is on right answer. There is only what is best for your family. May you be able to block out the noise of the opinions of others and be reminded that only you know what is best for your children. Trust yourself!
We want to share with you 5 tips for distance learning with you kids.
- CREATE A LEARNING STATION Our Famokids™ Play Mat's customizable shape can help you make the perfect learning area for your children that are comfortable, fun, and safe.
- INCLUDE TRADITIONAL TIME FORMATS within your day that mirror the regular school day such as snack time, PE, recess, and any other distinctive scheduling pertinent to your child's school pre-COVID.
- GET DRESSED FOR THE DAY If your child has a uniform, make sure to still have them wear it. The idea is to create boundaries and have some type of regularity within their day that indicates to them when is school hours and when is leisure time.
- MAKE YOUR CHILD THE TEACHER'S ASSISTANT This added responsibility will increase incentive to pay attention and participate.
- STAY CONNECTED TO YOUR CHILD'S SCHOOL and other classmates/parents. You never know what ideas you may bounce off one another and most importantly, community is how we get through tough times.
Toddler playroom decor with Famokids™ Moonstone Play Mat
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