Famokids Community

Holiday celebrations tend to feature toys galore for little ones, and while that’s fine, sometimes it’s nice to shift the focus from toys to practical and meaningful gifts. If you’d like to cut down on toys for your littles...
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It’s soon to be Thanksgiving, and if you’re already stressing about the big feast (especially when we’re all trying to figure out how Thanksgiving will look this year), we at Famokids get it. Breathe. Ultimately, Thanksgiving should be a...
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Halloween 2020 is likely to look quite a bit different from Halloween's past. That doesn’t mean it has to be any less fun! In fact, it’s a great way to soak up some sweet family time and enjoy the best...
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Trophies are shiny reminders of accomplishments - that you did something good.
So, milk stains are my trophies.

Parents are facing unprecedented times with having to choose whether to send their children back to school. We want to share with you 5 tips for distance learning with you kids.
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